20 Rabiul Akhar




● Hijri 1333 ma, Syedna Taher Saifuddin (RA) 51st Dai al Mutlaq Dawat Na Arsh Par Mustawi Thaya.

● Hijri 1333 ma, Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin (R.A) 52ma Dai ul Mutlaq Ni Viladat SURAT (India) Ma Thai.

● Hijri 1347 ma, Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin (R.A) 52ma Dai ul Mutlaq Aapni 15mi Salgirah Par Apnu Misaq Thayu.

● Hijri 1378, Syedi Saleh Bhaisaheb Safiyuddin (AQ) Ne Syedna Taher Saifuddin (RA) Yeh Mukasir ud Dawat il Garrah Qaim Farmaya.

● Hijri 1382 ma, Syedna Taher Saifuddin (RA) Ni Golden Jubilee Karachi Ma Manawama Awi ane Ehtefalat Thaya.

● Hijri 1435 ma, Syedna Aali Qadar Mufaddal Saifuddin Aqa (TUS), MUMBAI - ma موهبة بخشش na unwaan paar waaz farmawi

● Hijri 1436 ma, Syedna Aali Qadar Mufaddal Saifuddin Aqa (TUS), UDAIPUR ma- درة نظام الدعاة المطلقين na unwaan par waaz farmawi

● Hijri 1437 ma, Syedna Aali Qadar Mufaddal Saifuddin Aqa (TUS), BURHANPUR ma - الشورى ني ٥٣ مي ان na unwaan pr waaz farmawi

● Hijri 1438 ma, Syedna Aali Qadar Mufaddal Saifuddin Aqa (TUS), SURAT ma - والتين na unwaan par waaz farmawi

● Hijri 1439, Syedna Aali Qadar Mufaddal Saifuddin Aqa TUS, SURAT ma 10:15 AM Masjid-e-Moazzam ma Jalwa Afroz thaya, Al Jameat-us-Saifiyah na ساحة ane عدل ane احسان na unwan Par Waaz Mubarak farmavi,

● Hijri 1439 ma Huzur e Ala TUS, Ye Syedi Kasim bs ne Mazoon-e-Dawatul Haq Na A'ala Rutba Ma and Syedi Aliasgar bs kalimuddin ne Mukasir -e-Dawatil Haq na A'ala Rutba ma Qayam Farmaya

● Hijri 1440 ma, Syedna Aali Qadar Mufaddal Saifuddin Aqa (TUS), SURAT ma - لهاب na unwaan pr waaz farmawi

● Hijri 1441 ma, Syedna Aali Qadar Mufaddal Saifuddin Aqa TUS, SURAT ma 10:15 AM Masjid-e-Moazzam ma Waaz Wastey Jalwa Afroz thaya,

Hadees Kalaam


Biography Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin (RA)


1. Born on Saturday the 20th Rabi ul Aakhar 1333h, 06th March 1915 in Surat, Gujarat, India in the house of 51st Dai- el-Mutlaq, Syedna Taher Saifuddin AQ through Husaina Aaisaheba and named as his grand father “Mohammed” the 49th Dai-el-Mutlaq.It is indeed a great coincidence that, 52nd Dai was born on the very day that his father Syedna Taher Saifuddin AQ, first officially sat on the pedestal of the Dawat, 20th Rabiul Akhar is also corresponds to the day of zuhoor of Imam Mehdi (SA)

2. In 1336h, Syedna Taher Saifuddin (RA) started his Ibtedai Taalim (Kindergarten) in Udaipur with “Bismillah Ir Rehman Ir Rahim” at the age of 3 years.

3. He completed recitation of the Quran at the age of six in 1921.

4. In 1347h, Syedna Taher Saifuddin AQ took his Misaq, and with it gave the Laqab (surname) of “Burhanuddin”. He performed his 1st Haj and Ziarat to Najaf & Karbala at that time.

5. On 27th Rajab 1349h, 7th Jan 1929, at the age 17 year, He was bestowed with the title of “Haddiyat” by Syedna Taher Saifuddin AQ.

6. In 1350h, Syedna Taher Saifuddin AQ established the office of Al Vazaratus Saifiyah in Mumbai and appointed Mohammed Burhanuddin for the same by awarding the Alamat Sharifa to him.

7. On 27th Rajab 1352h, at the age of 19 years, he was raised to the second highest pedestal in the Dawah with the title of “Mazoon” by Syedna Taher Saifuddin AQ.

8. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin (AQ) committed the entire Quran to memory in the year 1353H at the age of 20.

9. On 27th Zilqad 1354h, 19th Feb 1936, His marriage with Ammatullah Aaisaheba D/o Abdul Hussain Bhaisaheb was celebrated in Surat with great joy & splendour.

10. In 1358h, As Mazoon ud Dawah, he performed his 1st Ashara Mubarak Waaz in Nasik, India.

11. In 1359h, Syedna Taher Saifuddin AQ conferred on his heir apparent the titles of “Taj ul Dawah ut Taiyeba and Quratul Aen Imamul Mutlaqeen.”

12. In 1361h, Again Syedna Taher Saifuddin AQ conferred on his heir apparent the title of “Umdatul Ulemaal Mohideen”.

13. In 1370h, Ashara Mubaraka waaz was performed by both Syedna Taher Saifuddin AQ & Mohammed Burhanuddin in Mumbai on one Takht. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin AQ delivered the shahadat bayan and Syedna Taher Saifuddin AQ concluded the shahadat of Imam Hussain (sa).

14. In 1381-82h, He performed a victorious voyage to Yemen after 400 year of Dawat transfer from Yemen & on return bestowed with the title of “Mansoorul Yemen”.

15. In Ramzan 1384h, “ Lailatul Qadr” was observed together by both Syedna Taher Saifuddin AQ & Mohammed Burhanuddin in Mumbai.

16. In the midnight 19th Rajabul Asab 1385h, 13th Nov 1965, Syedna Taher Saifuddin AQ left the mortal world (Aalume Fani) towards the Immortal world (Aalume Baqi) in the Hazrat of Imamuzaman by passing away peacefully in Matheran.On 27th Zilqaa’dil Haraam 1385H (17th March 1966), on eve of Milad majlis of Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA, Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin (TUS) was granted the laqab ‘Saifuddin’ and the title of SDT [Seqato Dawaat-e-Taiyebiyah] by Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin (AQ)

17. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin AQ became the 52nd Dai-el-Mutlaq at the age of 52 years. He choose the burial place of Syedna Taher Saifuddin AQ, where the Zarih of Amirul-Mumineen (SA) and Imam Hussain (SA) were fabricated. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin paid a humble tribute to his illustrious predecessor by building a White Marble mausoleum with many features of the Fatemi relics in Cairo. Over and above all this, the manuscript copy of the Qur’an from which Syedna Taher Saifuddin AQ recited, was copied by photographic process, transfered on 772 marble slabs, engraved in Pure Gold and now lies in the inner walls of the “ Raudhat Tahera “. Surah e Fateha and 113 Bismillah’s are made of precious stone Ruby (Maneq). This engraving of entire Qur’an in pure Gold is unprecedented in Islamic history.

18. In Ramdan 1385h, wrote the 1st Munajaat and Risala Sharifa (Istaftah Zubdal Muarif). Then on 1st Shawwal, performed Al Jameatus Saifiyah’s Exam and started the “Zikra Mualana Muqqaddas”. Then in Zilqad, Inagurated the Zari Mubarak of Rasul Hussain (SA) and was conferred with the Honorary Degree of Doctorate in Islamic Science by Al Azhar University in Cairo.

19. In 1386h, performed 1st Ashara Mubaraka as Dai-el-Mutlaq in Mumbai. After the 1st Anniversary of Syedna Taher Saifuddin (AQ), Syedna (AQ) inaugurated the Qubba mubarak of Syedna Qutubuddin Shaheed (RA) in Ahmedabad. Also introduced “Saifee Memorial Foundation” and performed

21 Dawat’s ziarat in 1 months tour of Kathiawar. In this year the Aligarh Muslim University conferred him, with the Degree of Doctorate in Theology.

20. In 1387h, performed Ashara Mubaraka in Mumbai and in Ramazanul Moazzam, his speech on the subject of Qur’an was broadcasted through Radio.

21. In 1388h, performed Ashara Mubaraka in Mumbai and introduced a scheme for mumineen to participate in making of Raudhat Tahera. Made a huge contribution for the affected people of Surat against flood in Tapti River. Performed a historic visit in East Africa and went for Haj in Mecca.Also, in this year Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin (AQ) solemnized the nikah of Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS with the daughter of Ameer-ul-Jamea Syedi Yusuf bhaisaheb Najmuddin, Jawaharatus Sharaf baisaheba, at Evan al-Jamea in Surat, during the Imtehan of Al-Jamea-Tus-Saifiyah in Shabaan.

22. In 1389h, Syedna AQ performed Ashara Mubaraka in Mecca and then became the 1st Dai-el-Mutlaq to visit the Western countries. Vasheq for 30th Raat of Ramadan was introduced. In Shawwal weddings of Syedna Muffaddal Saifuddin (TUS) & Shehzadi Husaina Baisaheb was observed with great joy & splendour. In Zilhaj visited to Colombo.

23. In 1390h, Ashara Mubaraka in Columbo, Then made a historic visit in Kathiawar & Rajkot and thereafter visited Cairo on the funeral of President Jamal Abdul Nasser. Then in Shawwal inaugurated Al Jameatus Saifiyah’s Exam and removed four (4) Manahis (corrupted) Ustaad from Jamea. This year Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS was made Ameer-ul-Hajj, with a large and important personages in his entourage. After Hajj he went to Karbala, Shaam, Misr and Yemen.

24. In 1391h, Ashara Mubaraka in Calcutta. The trip of Yemen of Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin was historic. Syedna Aaliqadr maula TUS laid the foundation for the construction of mausoleum (roza) of Syedna Hatim RA in this trip. In On return from Hajj and Yemen, he was accorded a grand reception on the airport, in which Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin AQ himself presided. In this majlis and programmes that followed, Syedna AQ granted the title of “Aqeeq-ul-Yemen” to Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS. In 1381H, Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA had granted the title of “Mansur-ul-Yemen” to Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin AQ and ten years later, Syedna AQ granted similar title to Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS. Renovation of Qubbah Mubarak of Syedna Hatim in Yemen visited the Cave (Kahf ul Naeem) where Syedna Hatim used to give Sabaq. Historic visit to Indore, Performed ziarat for 21days in Burhanpur and students of class 10th & 11th of Jameatus Saifiyah were asked to attain the Ziqra Milad-e- Syedna Taher Saifuddin (AQ) in surat.

25. In 1392h, Ashara Mubaraka in Surat. Inauguration of Burhani College in Mumbai.

26. In 1393h, Ashara Mubaraka in Mumbai. Munafiqeen Fitnat started in Udaipur. Made visit to Rampura, Bhanpura & Ratlam.

27. In 1394h, Ashara Mubaraka in Mumbai. On 28th Rabiul Awwal visited Iraq as state guest and took Misaq of Shehzada Ammar Bhaisaheb in Karbala. Inaugurated Zarih & Mehrab Mubarak of Amirul Momineen in Kufa in the presence of Governor of Kerbala and other muslim scholars. Then via Cairo, made his 1st visit to London. One of the four manahis of Jamea (Shaddad) died. A false case was made against 18 mumineen, which include, Ustaad & Student of Jamea and Jamat members for his death.

28. In 1395h, Ashara Mubaraka in Mumbai. On Chehlum raat inaugurated “Raudhat Tahera & waqaf the Fatemi Masjid”. Then went to Mecca to attain the funeral of Shah Faisal and perform Umrah. On Milad day won the case against 18 mumineen and got back the possession of “Sandoz House, presently known as Saifee Memorial Foundation”. Made visit to Madras and gave the title of “Visamo Istehsanil Khidmat (VIK) to Sh. Ibrahim Yamani whose Madeh ‘s are popular among all of us.

29. In 1396h, Ashara Mubaraka in Calcutta and stayed there for 2 months. Then on invitation of Mehar-Jan Al Aalume Islami went to London. Established mumineen’s centre in London and on Miladun Nabi got the news, that African High Court decided the case of Dawah Properties and made Syedna (AQ) the True Trustee. This was a great victory for Dawah. Afterward Burhanpur Hakimiyah Case was also won. Then from London, went to Karbala, Najaf, Cairo and to Yemen, where inaugurated the Road to Qubbah mubarak of Syedna Hatim bin Syedna Ibrahim (RA).

30. In 1397h, Ashara Mubaraka in Madras, bestowed Shehzada Ammar Bhaisaheb with the title of “Haddiyat” and gave the (Laqab) of “Jamaluddin”. During the waaz in Madras, when Syedna (AQ) uttered these words that, “Hussain Na Gham Ma Shajar Ane Hajar Roya”, people in Galyakot witnessed the

Miracle of Mazar e Syedi Fakhruddin Shaheed shedding Tears. Syedna (AQ) went to Galyakot and called upon 40 students of Jametus Saifiyah to witness the same. Thereafter Syedna (AQ) went to Ahmedabad & Mumbai and the same Miracle happened in Syedna Qutubuddin Shaheed & Syedna Taher Saifuddin AQ. Afterward the news came that all the Mazar of Hindustan experienced the same Miracle. Syedna (AQ) emphasized mumineen to perform Maatum with more Josh.During this Miracle, the Munafiqeen tried to open a conference in Udaipur. Syedna (AQ) sent mumineen to Udaipur to perform Jihad against the same and thus the conference was stopped. On Syedna (AQ)’s Milad Mubarak, Shahzada Huzefa Bhaisaheb, Idris Bhaisaheb, Malikul Ashtar Bhaisaheb Nikah were performed with other Qasre Aali members. A huge Fatemi Traditional Procession was arranged on the wedding day, which comprised of All Aayanul Jamat, Jamea Students, Aamil, Kothar & Qasre Aali members. On this occasion Syedna (AQ) conferred the title of Hadiyat to Ammatullah Aiesaheba and other Umhatul Mumineen.

31. In 1398h, Ashara Mubaraka in Karachi. Syedna (AQ) was received by senior members of government & mumineen

with a 10km long procession. He

remained state guest for 3 days. On 2nd of Safar, Mualatona Zainab (SA) Zarih Mubarak which was fabricated in Karachi was sent to Cairo. On 6th Safar, Syedna (AQ) went to Cairo and on 16th Safar inaugurate the same. He was received by President Anwar Sadaat and was honored with the highest title of Egypt “Vishahul Niel”. On Chelum of Imam Hussain (SA) Sydena performed waaz in Rasool Hussain’s Mashad and got the opportunity to step inside the Zarih Mubarak. Syedna (AQ) stayed for 157 days in Karachi, during which Chelum, Milad’s of Rasool Allah, Imamuzzaman and Daiez Zaman were observed.Thereafter Syedna (TUS) left Cairo and visited Kuwait, Dubai & Bahrain and finally came back to Karachi. In Rajab Syedna (TUS) was received by the Chief Minister of Maharashtra along with thousand of mumineen in Mumbai at Brabourn Stadium. Ramandan was performed in Mumbai. In Shawwal, Syedna (TUS) received the privilege of becoming the 1st Dia-el Mutlaq to visit America and met the UNO Secretary General. Syedna (TUS) visited all those cities in America, where mumineen resided, make Jamaats. Besides, prosperity 1398h was one of the difficult year, as Munifiqeen tried to launch a commissions against Dawah, known as “Tarkundi” & “Nathwani” but with the Dua Mubarak of Maula (AQ) mumineen fought very bravely with them at all stages were defeated badly. From America Syedna (AQ) went to London and then to Cairo. During his stay in Cairo, The Egyptian Govt permitted to renovate Al Jamea Al Anwar, Syedna (AQ) performed Eidul Adha in Cairo and left for Mumbai.

32. In 1399h, Historic Ashara Mubaraka was performed in Jamnagar after 250 years along with 35,000 mumineen. On 27th Rabiul Awwal, Syedna (AQ)

boarded the “Queen Elizabeth II, ship. During the journey, the QE captain was asked by Syedna (AQ) that, What measures would he take, In case of Storm? He replied that, He has faith that, If Syedna (AQ) is in the ship there won’t be any Storm.

33. In 1400h, Ashara Mubaraka was observed in Bombay. Al Multaqa Al Fatemi Al Ilmi was observed. In Jamidi ul Awwal, Syedna (AQ) visited Cairo to inspect the work progress of Al Jamea Al Anwar and was delighted on the completion of its Mehrab. Later Syedna (AQ) made a 3 day visit to Nairobi which was suffering from drought. Syedna (AQ)’s presence and his bayan brought the Rain. He was named “Rain Maker” in the Newspaper. Syedna (AQ) donated 520,000 Kenyan Shillings for the Public Welfare. This year Syedna (AQ)’s sister Fatema Aaisaheba passed away.

34. In 1401h, the start of 15th century, Syedna (AQ) inaugurated Al Jamea Al Anwar in Cairo, and performed Ashara Mubaraka. 10,000 mumineen attained the same and was bestowed by Aqa Maula (AQ)’s dua mubarak. In Jamdiul Ukhra , the Karachi High Court decided the case made by Munafiqeen in Syedna (AQ)’s favor. Again for the 1st time, a Fatemi Dai-el-Mutlaq observed Lailatul Qadr in Al Jamea Al Anwar in Ramadan. Afterwards, Syedna (AQ) performed Haj in Mecca and Eide Gadire Qum was observed in Kaabatullah.

35. In 1402h, Ashara Mubaraka was observed in Cairo. On 16th Moharrum Syedna (AQ) observed Urs mubarak of Syedna Hatim, in Qubbah Mubarak in Hutaib and at the time of Zikre Shahadate & Matam Imam e Hussain (sa) blood emerged underneath the Quranic verses. Thereafter Impression of Imam’s Name were found in Jamea e Sana, which were inscribed by Maulatena Huratul Maleka (sa). In Safar Syedna (AQ) became the 1st Dail- el-Mutlaq to observe prayers in Jamea Burasa in Najaf, Iraq. This year for the 1st time performed Ziarat of Maulana Jafferut Tayyar in Jordan.

36. In 1403h, Ashara Mubaraka was observed in Sidhpur, India. On 6th of Ramadan, for the 1st time in 1000 years, Syedna (AQ) performed Namaz Zohar/ Asar in Al Jamea Al Anwar after Imam Hakim (sa) in the same date in 403h.

37. In 1404h, Ashara Mubaraka in Karachi. On 1st , 16th & 30th Moharrum, Inauguration of Taheri Masjid in Saddar and Al Masjid Al Fatemi & Al Aewane Saifee in Al Jaematus Saifiyah Karachi. Syedna (AQ) stayed for 123 days in Karachi, during which Chelum, Milad’s of Rasool Allah (saw), Imamuzzaman (sa) and Daiez Zaman (AQ) and more than 400 Nikah were performed.

38. In 1405h, Ashara Mubaraka was observed in Nairobi. On chelum day Syedna (AQ) gave commandments of “Munasibatain Al Karimatain”. On 17th Jamidil Awwal, visited Iraq on Invitation by Iraqi Govt, stayed for 10 days.

39. In 1406h, Ashara Mubarak was observed in Surat. Syedna (AQ) inaugurated zarih mubarak of Mukhallefate Rasool in Cairo on his Milad day. On 12th Jamadil Awwal dawah’s enemies set a Car Bomb near the East gate of Raudhat Taheri to harm Syedna (AQ), but Allah protected his Dai.

40. In 1407h, Ashara Mubaraka was observed in Indore, India. For the 1st time in Al Jamea Al Anwar in Cairo, Syedna (AQ) observed Namaze Janaza of his Beloved Brother Amirul Jamea, Syedi Yusuf Bhaisaheb Najmuddin. He was buried near Maulana Malikul Ashter (SA). On Milad e Imamuzzaman (sa), Syedna (AQ)’s youngest son Sh. Ammar Bhaisaheb Jamaluddin

marriage was observed.

41. In 1408h, Ashara Mubaraka in Karachi. On 17th Moharrum Syedna (AQ)’s mother Aamena Aiesaheba passed away in Karachi, Her resting place was made in the complex of Al Jametus Saifiyah Karachi. Syedna (AQ) stayed for 118 days in Pakistan, during which Chelum, Milad’s of Rasool Allah (saw), Imamuzzaman (sa) and Daiez Zaman (AQ) were observed. Thereafter went to America to inaugurate the 1st Bohra Masjid in Detroit. Later performed Haj.

42. In 1409h, Ashara Mubaraka was observed in Bombay. After Ashara Mubaraka came to Karachi to condole the demise of President Ziaul Haq.

43. In 1410h, Ashara Mubarak was observed in Surat. Milad e Imamuz Zaman and Misaq was observed 1st time in Masjid e Kufa. Iraq.

44. In 1411h, Ashara Mubaraka was observed in Darus Salaam, Tanzania. For the 1st time, Syedna (AQ) introduced Qardan Hasana and granted One Million Riyals for the mumineen in Yemen. Later he performed Ziarat’s in Hutaib, Shareqa, Shibam, Masar, Hozan, Lahab, Zabed and Zi Jibillah.

45. In 1412h, Ashara Mubaraka was observed in Columbo. For the 1st time Miladun Nabi (saw) was observed in Cairo, after 900 years.

46. In 1413h, Ashara Mubaraka was observed in Pune, India. In Rabiul Akhar , Syedna (AQ) became the 1st Dail-el-Mutlaq to perform Umra on Milad e Imamuz Zaman , made an historic Ziarat of Maulatona Fatema tuz Zehra’s (SA), and showered Attar on Qabr Mubarak. Afterwards visit Ramala, Philistine and observed prayers in Jamea Fatemi, known as Masjid e Asra. Also made inauguration of Al Jamea Al Aqmar’s Mehrab, which is made of Marble.

47. In 1414h, Ashara Mubaraka was observed in Mombasa. Kenya. On Milad e Imamuz Zaman, Syedna (AQ) inaugurated the Zarih mubarak of Muqame Rasul Hussain (SA) and Raoos us Shauhada in Shaam (Syria). On this occasion the Govt of Syria presented the Old Zarih of Rasul Hussain (sa) to Syedna (AQ), a part from which was gifted and now installed in Fatemi Masjid Al Jameatus Saifiyah Karachi. On 19th Shaban, Mukasir ud Dawah Syedi Saleh Bhaisaheb Safiuddin passed away in Mumbai and on Eid e Gadir e Khum, Syedi Hussain Bhaisaheb Husamuddin was appointed as Mukasir ud Dawah.

48. In 1415h, Ashara Mubaraka was observed in Bombay. Syedna (AQ) performed 40 Ziarat of Syedna Qutubuddin Shaheed (sa) along with Amatullah Aiesaheba in his 20 day stay in Ahmedabad. Aie Saheba from her personal savings, paid tribute to Syedna Qutubuddin Shaheed (RA) by mounting a pure Gold Shaheedana on his Qabar Mubarak. On the eve of

Miladun Nabi (SAW), Aiesaheba passed away in London. Syedna (AQ) with deep grief and sorrow perform the Milad Majlis and thereafter her funeral. She departed from Aqa Maula (AQ) after 60 years of Khidmat. On his Milad Mubarak’s Evening & on the Day (Friday), Syedna (AQ) along with hundreds of mumineen performed Ziarat (On Niyat of Aiesaheba) of Amirul Mumineen (SA) and Imam Hussain (SA) respectively and for the first time Matam was permitted in the harum of Imam Hussain (SA) on Aqa Maula (AQ)’s request. Ramadan Mubarak was observed in Surat after 50 years.

49. In 1416h, Ashara Mubaraka was observed in Mombasa. Kenya. Again for the 1st time Syedna (AQ) observed the Milad of Imamuz Zaman (SA) in Yemen, the birth place of Imamut Tayyeb (SA) and in the eve, inaugurated two jamea’s in Cairo named as Jamea Lulu (Pearl) and Jamea Jayushi and on the day of Milad inaugurated Maulateno Ruqqiyah’s Zarih mubarak. On 13th Rabiul Akhar Syedna (AQ) inaugurated the Faiz e Hatimi in Sana Yemen and observed his Milad in Yemen.

50. In 1417h, Ashara Mubaraka was observed in Karachi. Later inaugurated Masjid Al Moazzam in Surat and invited mumineen to step forward for the Hifz (by heart) of Al Qur’an. For the same Syedna intend to built an Ultra Modern Language Laboratory (Maaduz Zahra) in the complex of Al Jameatus Saifiyah Surat.

51. In 1418h, Ashara Mubaraka was observed in Surat. Syedna (AQ) made a historic visit in Far East Asia’s countries, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Burma, Malaysia, and HongKong and showered benedictions on mumineen.

52. In 1419h, Ashara Mubaraka was observed in Nairobi. Inauguration of Mahaduz Zahra in Surat in which 10,000 children who had Hifz Al Qur’an, participated from all over the world. On 5th of Rajab, Aqa Maula’s (AQ) beloved daughter Shehzadi Sakina ben saheb passed away in Karachi. Syedna (AQ) performed her funeral in Al Jameatus Saifiyah and she was laid to rest near her Grandmother, Amena AeiSaheba.

53. In 1420h, like his father and

predecessor, Syedna (AQ) was also appointed Chancellor of Aligarh Muslim University .

54. In 1423h, Syedna (AQ) was inaugurate the restored masjid and mehrab of Amir ul Mumineen (SA) in Kufa.

55. In 1426h, Syedna (AQ) was inaugurate Saifee Hospital with the Prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh. 

56. In 1430h, Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin (AQ) perfomed ziyarat of Najaf & Karbala during this safar Syedna (AQ) made a Gilaf Mubarak for Zarih mubarak of Ameer al Mumineen , Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS).

57. In 1432h, 4th Rajab-ul-Asab was the historic day in the history of Dawoodi Bohra community as 52nd Dai al- Mutlaq proclaimed nass (appointing successor) upon his son Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS in London. After the 100 years of Syedna Abdeali Saifuddin RA (wafaat 1232H), Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA became Dai Al-Mutlaq (in 1333). And after that in the 100th year (1432H) Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin AQ proclaimed nass on Syedna Aaliqadr Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS.

58. In 1435h, at the age of 102 years after starting Taabudaat, Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin (AQ) died of cardiac attack at Saifee Mahal in Mumbai on 16 Rabiul Awwal (17th January 2014) Friday. Syedna (AQ) was buried at Raudat Tahera in Bhendi Bazar, Mumbai beside Syedna Tahir Saifuddin (AQ). Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin (TUS) led the “Namaz-e-Janaza” (funeral procession) of Syedna AQ at the Saifee Masjid. Half mast of Flag and state honor was given by Indian Government during his funeral.

59. In 1436h, a commemoration service held on First Urus of Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin (AQ) drew an estimated three lakh people to Mumbai, two townships were built specially to accommodate them.

Facts and Marvels of Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin (RA)’s Life
1. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin (RA) will be the first Dai among Fatemi Duat Mutlaqeen (RA) to complete 102 years of age.

2. It is indeed a great coincidence that, 52nd Dai was born on Saturday the 20th Rabiul Akhar 1333h, 06th March 1915 in Surat, Gujarat, India, the very day that his father Syedna Taher Saifuddin AQ, first officially sat on the pedestal of the Dawat, 20th Rabiul Akhar is also corresponds to the day of zuhoor of Imam Mehdi (SA)

3. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin saheb (RA) first Salgirah was celebrated in Surat with pomp and glory. That day was declared a holiday in Al-Jamea-tus-Saifiyah.

4. In 1336h, Syedna Taher Saifuddin (RA) started his Ibtedai Taalim (Kindergarten) in Udaipur with “Bismillah Ir Rehman Ir Rahim” at the age of 3 years.

5. At the age of 5, Syedna recited the Quran in a majlis. Subsequently Syedna Taher Saifuddin (RA) wrote in his Risalat Sharifa: When he recites the Quran he glows for the people of heaven as the stars glow for the people of earth.

6. He completed recitation of the Quran at the age of six in 1921.

7. At the age of twelve, Syedna (RA) miraculously emerges safe from a car accident in Colombo, where his vehicle got hung on one wheel.

8. Aqa Maula’s misaaq is taken at the age of fifteen in 1347H, in the iwaan of al jamea-tus safiyah and the laqab “Burhanuddin” is given to him bySyedna Taher saifuddin (RA). He performed his 1st Haj and Ziyarat to Imam Ali (SA) Najaf , Imam Husain (SA) & Abbas Alamdar (SA) Karbala at that time in the year 1347 H.

9. On 27th Rajab 1349h, 7th Jan 1929, at the age 17 year, He was bestowed with the title of “Haddiyat” by Syedna Taher Saifuddin AQ.

10. In 1350h, Syedna Taher Saifuddin AQ established the office of Alvazaratus Saifiyah in Mumbai and appointed Mohammed Burhanuddin for the same by awarding the Alamat Sharifa to him.

11. On 27th Rajab 1352h, at the age of 19 years, he was raised to the second highest pedestal in the Dawah with the title of “Mazoon” by Syedna Taher Saifuddin AQ.

12. Aqa Maula (RA) committed the entire Quran to memory in the year 1353H at the age of 21.

13. On 27th Zilqad 1354h, 19th Feb 1936, His marriage with Ammatullah Aaisaheba D/o. Abdul Hussain Bhaisaheb was celebrated in Surat with great joy & splendor.

14. Syedna Taher Saifuddin (RA) confers upon Syedna (RA) the titles of Taj ud- Dawat-it Taiyyebia till-Gharra, Qurrato ayne Imam il-Muttaqin and Umdat ul-Ulamail-Muwahhidin. The degree of Al Alim ur Rasikh is also conferred upon him

15. When Syedna Taher Saifuddin (RA) and Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin (RA) entered the precincts of the Kaaba, Syedna Taher Saifuddin (RA) asked: Where is the qibla from where I stand? Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin (RA) replied: You are our qibla right before us!

16. Aqa Maula (RA) performed his first waaz on the 19th of Ramadan 1357H and performed his first Ashara Mubarakah in Nasik the year after.

17. In 1370h, Ashara Mubarak waaz was performed by both Syedna Taher Saifuddin AQ & Mohammed Burhanuddin first time in Mumbai on one Takht. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA delivered the shahadat biyan and Syedna Taher Saifuddin AQ concluded the shahadat of Imam Hussain (sa).

18. Syedna Taher Saifuddin (RA) and Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin (RA) preside together again on the same takht on the occasion of Syedna Qutbuddin Shaheed’s urus in Ahmedabad. Aqa Maula (RA) continues the waaz from where his father leaves off.

19. In 1381-82h, He performed a victorious voyage to Yemen after 400 year of Dawah transfer from Yemen & On 17th Shaban, Syedna Taher Saifuddin (RA) bestows upon him the title of “Mansur-ul- Yemen” at saifee masjid, Mumbai.

20. In Ramzan 1384h, “Lailatul Qadr” was observed together by both Syedna Taher Saifuddin AQ & Mohammed Burhanuddin in Mumbai.

21. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA became the 52nd Dai-el-Mutlaq at the age of 52 years.

22. Syedna (RA) performs the iftetah of the zarih mubarak of Rasul Imam al Husain (SA) in Cairo in the year 1385H.

23. In 1386h, performed 1st Ashara Mubaraka as Dai-el-Mutlaq in Mumbai.

24. Aqa Maula’s (RA) first Salgirah after becoming Dai was celebrated in Udaipur.

25. The Al Azhar University in Cairo presents Syedna (RA) the Degree of Doctor of Islamic Sciences.

26. The Aligarh Muslim University
presented Syedna Taher Saifuddin (RA) with the Doctorate of Theology in 1946. Twenty years later, in 1966, the university presented the same degree to Aqa Maula (RA).

27. First time in Dawat Ashara Mubarakah performed in Mahalle-Saifee, Mecca Mukarramah in 1389 H & perfomed Imamat namaaz at Masjid-un-Nabi(SAW).

28. 8th August 1986 was declared as “His Holiness Dr. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin Day” by the Mayor of Houston.

29. On the completion of 1400 years fromthe day of revelation of the Quran, Syedna delivered a speech about the Quran which was heard on All India Radio .

30. Aqa Maula (RA) is the first Dai to travel to the North African countries of Libya,Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco; where Aimmat Fatemiyeen (SA) established their kingdom of justice and mercy.

31. It was in 1389 Hijri that Syedna (RA) initiated the tradition of ehya on the 30th of Shehre Ramadan.

32. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin (RA) built the Raudat Tahera in Mumbai & Iftetah in 1395 H, over the qabr mubarak of his father. The mausoleum is the only one of its kind to have the entire Quran inscribed on its walls.

33. Delivering an address in Arabic during The World of Islam Festival in London at The Royal Albert Hall, in the year 1396H.

34. The Egyptian President presents Syedna (RA) with the highest civic honour of Eqypt, the Wishah un Nil.

35. A historic conference entitled Al-Multaqa-al-Fatemi-al-ilmi is held in Al-Jamea-tus-Saifiyah, Surat to reinforce the community’s identit 1399H.

36. 1405 H. This year marks 1400 years of the birth of Imam Husain (SA) and 100 years since the birth of Syedna Taher Saifuddin (RA) To mark this occasion, Syedna (RA) issues five principles known as Miras ul Barakat.

37. Syedna’s (RA) Milad celebration and iftetah of the gold and silver portal, Bab ul Mukhallafat ash Sharifa takes place in Qahera.

38. Performing ziyarat of Maulatana Fatema (AS) in the year 1413 H.

39. Syedna (RA) visits Damascus for the iftetah of Maqame Rasul Imam al Husain and the zarih mubarak of Ruoos-ush-Shohada in 1414H.

40. The iftetah of Jame ul Aqmar, Jame Lulua, Jame Juyushi and the zarih mubarak of Maulatana Ruqayya, Cairo, in the year 1416H.

41. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin (RA) built the Mahad uz Zahra & inauguration in 1419 H, the first of its kind in the world for the study of the Quran.

42. Like his father and predecessor, Syedna (RA) was also appointed Chancellor of Aligarh Muslim University in the year 1420H.

43. Syedna (RA) was inaugurate the restored masjid and mehrab of Amir ul Mumineen (SA) in Kufa in 1423H.

44. Syedna (RA) was inaugurate Saifee Hospital with the Prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh in the year 1426H.

45. Syedna (RA) restored the masjid of Imam Hakim (SA) in Qahera, Al-Jamea-ul-Anwar, in a record time of 27 months, a feat even the UNESCO hesitated undertaking.

46. A second Al Jamea-tus-Saifiyah, Karachi – Arabic Academy is built by Syedna (RA) in 1983 in Karachi, Pakistan.

47. Aqa Maula (RA) has performed Haj five times.

48. Aqa Maula (RA) is the first Dai to perform the ziyarat of Maulana Ja’far ut taiyar (SA).

49. Aqa Maula (RA) has visited Egypt and England more than fifty times.

50. Aqa Maula (RA) has fasted ten years of 6Rajab-ul-Asab twice: once with Syedna Taher Saifuddin (RA) and later after becoming Dai-l-Mutlaq.

51. Twice every year on the 8th of
Moharram ul haram and the 19th of Ramadan ul Moazzam Aqa Maula (RA) invites each and every mumin throughout the world for niyaaz (Lunch/Dinner).

52. During his visit to North Africa, Syednaconfirmed the location of urf ud deek, literally the crest of the rooster from where Dajjal, the enemy of Imam Mansur (SA), fled.

53. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin (RA) was the first Dai al Mutlaq to visit Europe and America and conduct Ashara Mubarakah in America.

54. “This is not the Key of the City, it is the key to our hearts.” This is what the Mayor of Houston said when he presented Syedna (RA) with the Key of Houston. Aqa Maula (RA) has been also presented with the key of Lahore, Dallas, Mombasa.

55. During his visit to Misr for the
dedication of the Zarih Mubarak ofMaulatena Zainab (SA), the President of Egypt, Mr. Anwar Sadaat appealed, “Egypt is your ancestral home. You must come here often.”

56. The chief protocol officer in Sydney, when he received Syedna (RA) said, ‘Ihave yet to see such a powerful and pious personality.’

57. Dr. Usman Yahya (now Mohammed Yahya) when he prayed namaaz with Syedna (RA) at Fatemi masjid, Mumbai, said afterwards, ‘today I felt like I prayed behind Rasulullah.’

58. Aqa Maula (RA) was once travelling on a ship. The captain came to know about his presence and paid a visit to Maula. Aqa Maula (RA) asked him what he would do in case his ship faced the danger of sinking. The captain, without any hesitation, replied, “As long as you are in my ship I need not fear that my ship will ever sink.”

59. Syedna (RA) is known in Arab countries as “Azamat us Sultan” meaning the “great soveriegn”.

60. Syedna (RA) is known in Kenya as “The Rain Maker.” Newspapers in Nairobi hailed him as “The Rain Maker” after the parched land of Kenya was blessed with rain due to Aqa Maula’s (RA) prayers.

61. During his visit to Jordan, Syedna (RA) is given the highest civic honour of the country, “Star of Jordan Class 1″.

62. Pakistan President Zia-ul-Haq states that the Syedna’s (RA) community is highly disciplined and that the world would be a better place if governed by Syedna (RA).

63. President of Yemen, His Excellency Ali Abdullah Saleh presents the sword to Syedna (RA).

64. Aqa Maula (RA) was known as the “Ambassador of Peace”.

65. Aqa Maula’s (RA)’s 25th and 50th Milaad Mubarak were celebrated in Mumbai.

66. Aqa Maula’s (RA) 75th Salgirah was celebrated in Surat along with the marriage celebrations of Aqa Maula’s (RA) youngest son, Shehzada Ammar Bhaisaheb Jamaluddin (DM).

67. Aqa Maula’s (RA) 80th Milaad Mubarak was celebrated by establishing the Burhani Foundation for the preservation of the environment. Mr. Arjun Singh, then Minister for the Environment along with other dignitaries and celebrities gathered at Turf Club, Mumbai to offer their felicitations.

68. Offering wishes on his 80th Salgirah, the Prime Minister of England Mr. John Major said, “Let’s celebrate his 100th birthday.

69. Aqa Maula (RA) was an excellent horse-rider and a skilled swimmer and shooter.

70. Syedna receives files and letters requesting benediction or counsel by the hundreds everyday. A file stays with Syedna for no more than 24 hours before it is answered.

71. “Take Bhai Burhanuddin with you; for beneath his feet lies wealth,” these are the words that Syedna Taher Saifuddin (RA) said to a mumin who had come to invite him to his house.

72. During one of his recent visits to London, Aqa Maula (RA) said, “I feel like home here.”

73. Aqa Maula’s (RA) Milaad Mubarak has been celebrated in Medina, Kerbala, Misr and Yemen.

74. Syedna’s audience for his community often runs into several hours as he personally listens to individuals, sometimes numbering 3000.

75. Aqa Maula (RA) was very particular about punctuality and maintains his schedules with clock like precision.

76. Aqa Maula (RA) has visited Norway and witnessed the phenomenon of the “Midnight Sun.”

77. Aqa Maula (RA) was the first Dai to visit Mauritius, and the Australian continent.

78. Aqa Maula (RA) has visited the Niagara Falls in Canada and the Victoria Falls in Zambia.

79. Never before have so many masajid been constructed as in Aqa Maula’s (RA) era.

80. Syedna (RA) spoke several languages: Arabic, Lisan ud Dawat, Gujarati, Urdu, Hindi, and English.

81. Aqa Maula (RA) personally supervised the annual examination of Al-Jamea- tus-Saifiyah, the Arabic Academy in Surat. He himself assigns the marks of shafahi, the oral examination.

82. Syedna (RA) personally tutored his children and grand-children in religious texts for several hours at a stretch.

83. Syedna (RA) has performed nikaah of mumineen in trains and even onboard a plane.

84. Aqa Maula (RA) has travelled in all forms of transport including the liner Queen Elizabeth, the supersonic jet “Concorde” and the world’s fastest train at that time, “The Eurostar.”

85. Syedna (RA) cruised in the Rotterdam to Bait uil Muqaddas and in the QE II to Singapore.

86. While travelling to remote villages in India, Aqa Maula (RA), accompanying his father, has also journeyed on bullock carts.

87. Syedna’s (RA) voice at the age of ninety plus was so clear that a computer analysis in Germany interpreted it to be the voice of a 40 year old.

88. Following the injunction of Quran, Aqa Maula (RA) has strictly and successfully prohibited the transaction of interest in the community. To help mumineen prosper in their businesses, Aqa Maula (RA) has established “Burhani Qardan Hasanah” and contributed crores of rupess to its corpus every year.

89. Aqa Maula (RA) has established a number of foundations for the benefit and upliftment of Mumineen like the Saifee Memorial Foundation, Amatullah Aai Memorial Foundation, Syedna Taher Saifuddin Memorial Foundation, Saifee Burhani Upliftment Trust to name to a few.

90. Aqa Maula (RA) has also established ‘Faiz Amaaken Anwar’ to enable Mumineen to buy houses of their ownership.

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