12 Umoor Explanation Clip

Aqa Maula Syedna Aaliqadr Mufaddal Saifuddin (TUS) has designated 12 Umoor (spheres of activities) under which the local Jamaat should function. 

As per Huzurala’sTUS irshadaat muneerah, the objective of these 12 Umoor is that Mumineen should live a happy and contended life in this world while simultaneously preparing for the life hereafter (Hayaat Tayyebah).

The 12 Umoor (Spheres of Activity) are as follows:
1. Umoor Deeniyah / Shar’iyah - Religious / Spiritual Activity Sphere
2. Umoor Talimiyah - Educational Activity Sphere
3. Umoor Marafiq Burhaniyah - Upliftment & Welfare Activity Sphere
4. Umoor Maliyah - Financial Activity Sphere
5. Umoor Mawarid Bashariyah - Human Resources (HR) Activity Sphere
6. Umoor Dakheliyah-Internal Affairs (IT/Communication/Statistics) Activity Sphere 
7. Umoor Kharijiyah - External Affairs (Public Relations) Activity Sphere
8. Umoor al-Qaza - Law & Justice Activity Sphere
9. Faiz al-Mawaid al-Burhaniyah & Niyaz
10. Umoor Iqtesadiyah - Qardan Hasanah & Business Activity Sphere
11. Umoor al-Amlaak - Trust & Properties Activity Sphere
12. Sehat na Umoor - Health & Hygiene Activity Sphere


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